Yesterday we had a fun trip to Holmes County which is the county with the largest Amish population in the country. It was neat to look at all of the tourist shops, but out favorite part of the trip had to be The Farm at Walnut Creek. It was a farm of sorts, but more like a zoo. They had an Amish farm house that we toured and then we were able to drive around this "farm" and feed the "wildlife". They had your typical cow and geese, but they also had zebra's, giraffes, ostriches, wild pigs, Elk, deer, llamas, kangaroos, camels, buffalo, and lemurs. The animals were so used to people feeding them that they came right up to our car, and literally "wouldn't" get out of the way unless we refused to feed them after about 5 minutes. We had an ostrich and llama that were pretty set on getting in the car with us. The one llama was so mad that we had finished feeding him that he stood right in front of our car, and then when that didn't change our minds he proceeded to kick our car. It was pretty funny. We also almost got charged by a wild cow of sorts. I don't know what it was, but it had really big horns and it was pawing the ground right next to our car. It just wanted us to move, because as soon as we backed up the car, it walked right on past. At one point we were stopped by a herd of animals blocking our road when all of a sudden a huge Elk showed up. He must have been the head honcho at the place because he proceeded to nudge all of the animals out of our way. It was a very unique experience and we really enjoyed it.
Also, tomorrow, the 15th of August, is Gracie's "birthday", well it's the 1 year anniversary of when we got her. She has become such a great part of our family and we sure love her. She has been really glad to have us back after our month long vacation. Hopefully we won't be leaving her for that long again. This picture was of the day we got her.
O.K. I know this is forever long, but I have to share the story about Emma sitting on the ledge. This spot is right outside our bathroom and the other day I came out of the bathroom only to see Emma sitting there on the ledge. I instantaneously screamed and reached to catch her. Mike thought it was a pretty funny trick, but luckily he had a good hold on her because he didn't expect me to react quite that well.

What a stinky trick! It is so good to see Emma with some rolls of fat on her legs finally! What a cute girl:). Happy anniversary to Gracie.
Those animals are cool. And I am still laughing about that picture, that is totally something that Colby would do. Hilarious!
It has been so long since I have been able to look at your blog. It was a delight to catch up. Happy birthday Gracie! She and I are buds!
I love the pictures of Emma. Mike you are such a card. The Emma stunt made me laugh. The "farm" sounds fascinating. Are there signs that say drive at your own risk?
Sounds like a fun trip to the farm! I love that story about Emma it just made me laugh!
You have some great pics. The animals must have been close. I think maybe too close. I think am I am glad there are no ledges in our house. I can totally see Mike doing that to you.
O.K. Emma sitting on the ledge is pretty funny! That farm looks like a better zoo than anything I've been to. You don't usually get to be that up front and personal with the animals. How fun!
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