We can't believe it has almost been a whole week since little Emma was born. Time sure seems to fly by. We have to constantly remind ourselves what day it is because the days go by so quickly but are pretty much filled with the exact same things. Emma eats, sleeps, and cries and we eat, don't sleep, and cry as well.:) We are actually doing relatively well on how much sleep we are not getting. It is actually a little bit harder to function when we actually do get adequate sleep because then our bodies realize what crazy schedules we're working on. Mike has been an amazing help. He is doing all of the housework, plus helping me with the baby. He is a wonderful dad and I don't know what I would do without him. I would be a wreck. Emma is doing great. She is so cute and such a good baby. She usually only cries when she is hungry, but wow she has some pipes on her. The nursing staff even commented on how strong her lunges were. I hope our neighbors don't decide to move.:) She also has this funny squeal cry and she sounds just like a little piglet. She had her first doctors appointment yesterday and passed with flying colors. She hasn't gained any weight, but luckily she hasn't lost any as well. She is sure wanting to eat more and more and more, so hopefully at our next weeks appointment she will have put some meat on her bones. Mike took this week off of school, but next week I will be flying solo. Aaaah I better get used to that. I have become so spoiled with all of his help. Now the real work begins. We have a great support system here in Ohio with our friends and the ward. We continue to feel very blessed. Here are a few new pictures.
Coming Home

Pretty in Purple

Sleepy Girl

Wide Awake

Ready to Eat

Bath Time

Oh so Cute!
She's so sweet. Thanks for posting more pictures. Keep 'em coming...
Yea pictures! I tried getting in touch with you on Saturday after Mom talked to you, are things going any smoother? If you need to chat, my # is in your phone:).
She was not a happy girl in the 'purple outfit', she wanted a blanket on you could tell.
I agree with Jackie, keep the pictures coming!
Oh my niece is so cute!!! You guys did good!
It was so much fun for me to see you guys on skype Sunday! I'm glad we were able to get it to work!!
Awwww! She is darling!!! I still can't believe that you had her early!! I have kept tabs on my calandar and you were due on the 27th of April right? Could be wrong, non the less, she is here! I love the name Emmma!!!!!
Glad that you are all doing well and yes, sleep deprivation is common amongst the new parents! hahaha I wish I could have talked with you when you called yesterday but I was at enrichment.
We'll have to come visit next weeks or soo...do you have dinners scheduled?!?! Or we can just bring you homeade rolls! I know you both would love that! :) yeah! congrats!
Ohhh She is so cute! I'm so glad Mike could take a week off. That is so helpful. The first week of going solo with my first baby was hard, but you'll get through it. Remember, you can always ask for a blessing. Just know it's o.k. if things don't get done right away. I wish we were closer so we could help. I can't wait to see Emma in person!
Congrats! Emma is so cute!! We love keeping up with your life in Ohio. When is Mike done with school?
I just commented as asdf and didn't realize I was not logged in. So, that comment came from us.
Sooooo cute! More pictures please, I can't get enough of that sweetie!
She is sooooo cute! Good luck this next week with Mike back at school, I am sure you will do great!
Love you all! Thanks for the pics. Babby M is such a sweetie! Cant wait to love her. Come home soon.
CONGRATS! I am SO happy for you! She's a doll! I love that sleeping photo of her, and I totally love her name too! What a great April Fools Day Surprise!
I can't believe I haven't looked at this in so long to see you had your baby!!! OH MY SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! You guys! Congrats! AND I'm SOOOO loving the purple outfits!!!!! Only the best color in the world!
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