Sharp Family

Sharp Family

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sick Kitty

So some may say that we are overly obsessed with our cat, which is partly true because she is pretty spoiled, but she is also not feeling well lately. Awhile after we got her we started to notice a sore patch above her eye up to her ear. She likes to scratch it which makes sores. We took her to the vet and they told us that she probably just has allergies. So when she continued to sneeze and have eye colds we just chalked it up to the allergies. Well, we decided to take her to the vet again, and just make sure that she was o.k. or get some kind of medication for her eyes. 2 hours later we had received multiple possible diagnosis's including "ring worm" as a possibility for the patch over her eye. So we're getting that checked out and our cat now has a stack of medicine for eyes, upper respiratory infection, as well as a flush for the possible fungus. Wow!!!! I hate to think what all of our outside cats had while I was growing up. They sure didn't get this kind of special treatment. Although we are trying to help, Gracie sure doesn't think this anything too great. She puts up a fit whenever we try to give her her medicine. Hopefully she'll get used to it, we'll discover there really isn't that much wrong with her, or we'll just stop worrying about every little thing. (We, meaning Me (Amy)) Mike had decided that when we have a kid that I am going to take it to the doctor every week!!! I don't think I'll be quite that bad. At least I hope not because it sure is getting expensive. She's worth it though.


Heidi Green said...

I love reading how attached you are to that kitty... totally cute! Good luck with a speedy recovery!

tkfonzie said...

I hope that she gets feeling better guys. I think that inside cats get sicker than the outside ones. That, or you don't spend as much time with the outdoor cats and appreciate how gross the things dripping off them are:).
Our cat Tonta in Logan had hairballs quite severely and we had to brush her daily and give her a special medicine to help move the hairballs through her intestines. YUM:)

Mom in Orem said...

Poor Gracey. Hope she gets to feeling better soon.

I am the kind of pet owner that would have ignored the problem. That must be why I don't own an animal and you do.

Team Schiele said...

Indoor cats can live past 20 and outdoor cats seldome live past 8. Take good care of your baby, but remember they are rather resiliant and will probably be fine.

Marnie said...

Sorry she is putting up such a fight about taking her medicing. It was fun talking to you last night. Hope Grace gets feeling better soon.

Monica said...

If cats are anything like children, she will never get used to taking the medicine. Good luck with that.