I regret not taking more pictures this past month. We have participated in so many activities and don't really have too many good pictures to show for it. Halloween was a lot of fun. This was our first year taking Emma trick or treating and she had a mixed reaction to the whole thing. She LOVED getting candy which has been a trial in itself, but she was also very nervous of all the decorations. There were a few blow up figures that she wouldn't even get close too. I think she would be scared at Disneyland, she doesn't really like seeing people in costume. We had the Haney's over for dinner and then we took their daughter Haylee and Emma around our neighborhood. Haylee's costume was sooo cute.

I made dinner in a pumpkin for the first time and it turned out o.k. I think I need to stop inviting people over on Mondays because after the weekend our house is a mess and Mondays are my crazy day trying to clean everything up. All in all it was a good day and it was fun to have trick or treaters come to our house. Our first 2 years of marriage we never had ANY!

(Can you tell Emma is NOT feeling well, she wouldn't smile for any pictures.)
So after all those fun festivities we have come down with colds here at the Sharp house. Emma got it first and then it has been passed on to the rest of us. I am normally super lucky and don't get sick when the rest of family does, but I guess it was about time I got my fair share. It has been lasting awhile with Emma and making her pretty grumpy which in turn has honestly made mommy pretty grumpy as well, but we've been trying to take it easy.
Lastly, I have to share this cute story. All day long yesterday Emma kept asking for candy. After throwing some in the garbage and getting pretty annoyed at her continuous asking my cute hubby took her aside and gave a good little life lesson.

He drew her this funny little stick figure and proceeded to teach her about bodies, how we all have bodies and Heavenly Father wants us to keep out bodies healthy and strong. He talked to her about exercising and to keep our bodies strong and how we also need to put good things into our body. (Candy was not a good thing for our body). We're sure it pretty much went right over her head, but I'm thankful for my children's father who is so good at trying to teach them and help them understand the "whys" of what we do.
We went on a walk yesterday and after asking for candy her dad told her she couldn't have any because she was sick. Her response, "I'm not sick, I'm feeling much better.:) We sure get a kick out of her.